Six years ago we designed the 2013 HGTV Dream Home. A winner was chosen and then the developer could put the house on tour for a month and the monies earned would be given to a local charity. Our developer, Candace Dyal of Dyal Compass, LLC chose Community in Schools. This organization helps fund school supplies for local teachers. These tours were very successful and raised over $180,000.ºº. This is more than any other HGTV Dream Home up to that time. We were so happy that so much money was raised for such a good cause. This home was designed using sustainable and green materials and was awarded the highest green rating Platinum LEED.
Tag Archives: sustainable building
Christopher Rose Architects Offices convert to solar energy.

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Christopher Rose Architects since its inception has promoted sustainable and energy efficiency to it’s clients, so now we are putting our money our money where our mouths are by installing Photovoltaic Solar Panels on the roof of the office. … Continue reading